☆ Walker・Loopwagen 4 (3442) Due 14/12/2024

[NL] Dit artikel mag alleen binnenshuis worden gebruikt, tenzij in de beschrijving staat dat het geschikt is voor gebruik buitenshuis.

[EN] This item may only be used indoors unless specified in the description that it is suitable for outdoor use.


  • Multifunctional walker for beginners from 10 months
  • With many educational features such as e.g. motor skills toys, counting frame, gears, wooden play
  • Provides space for transporting items such as dolls or your favourite poodle animal. Reliable companion for your first walking attempts
  • Wheels with rubber tyres, with adjustable brake.
  • Dimensions: W x H x D: approx. 34×54×34 cm


[NL] Melding beschadigde of incompleet items

Om boetes te voorkomen, vragen we je om kapotte of ontbrekende artikelen binnen 24 uur na het lenen te melden door een e-mail te sturen naar: babytheekgent@gentsespruiten.com. 

[EN] Report damaged / incomplete items

To avoid paying a fine, please report any broken or missing items within 24 hours of borrowing by sending an e-mail to: babytheekgent@gentsespruiten.com.